Philip Williams & Co. Insurance Management provides Civil Nuclear Police Federation’s Group Insurance Scheme.
For serving officers and staff members, the key benefits include:
Life Insurance £135,000 (up from £125,000 last year)
Terminal Prognosis Advance on life insurance* 20% of sum insured
Critical Illness £5,000
Sick Pay Benefit (when pay cut to half) up to 26 weeks 20% Scale Pay (up from 15%)
Convalescent Benefit £70 per stay (new benefit)
Worldwide Travel Policy Family
Legal Expenses including ID Theft Protection Included
Motor Breakdown Cover (UK)
Mobile Phone Cover
Do check the Group Insurance Scheme booklet for the full list of benefits including those provided to partners and retired members.

The cost
As of 1 October 2024, the calendar monthly premium is £32.95, which is a reduction on the previous monthly fee of £35.05.
How to join
We are always happy to accept new officers and staff into the scheme and you can register and apply via this link. The first three months of subscriptions are free of charge.
Current members who do not wish to remain in the scheme with payroll deduction may withdraw their membership at any time simply by submitting a service request or by coming directly to the CNPF. Before doing so, we would advise you to consider an alternative cover that meets your needs.