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A pay rise for police officers is to be "paused" next year the Chancellor has told the House of Commons today. "I cannot justify an across the board pay increase for all public sector workers," Rishi Sunak said.

Doctors and nurses to still get a pay rise. Those in the public sector earning under £24,000 will still get pay rise of at least £250 he tells Parliament. Mr Sunak did tell MPs that "pay progressions and promotions will carry on" in the public sector which should refer to police officers who receive/are scheduled to receive incremental rises.

Gary Thwaite, Chief Executive of The Civil Nuclear Police Federation, said: "Our members fully appreciate the current economic climate and hardships that many face due to the Covid-19 pandemic but as Police Officers we have also been on the front line protecting the public throughout.

"It's no secret that this pandemic has taken its toll on our police officers who now have a growing feeling of underappreciation. We certainly share the rest of our UK colleagues' disappointment that our contribution to keeping people safe, too often against their will, is not being recognised."

Parliament heard how £400+ million will be provided top recruit 6,000 police officers Mr Sunak added. "Well on track to recruit 20,000." Shadow Chancellor Anneliese Dodds referenced how hollow the Chancellor's "clapping for carers" during the first lockdown now was. She added: "Firefighters, police officers and teachers will know their spending power is going down...many key workers who took on so much responsibility during this crisis are now being forced to tighten their belts."

She compared this to the "bonanza" for private companies who have won PPE contracts from the Government this year.