Update - please note this survey is now closed
Is your uniform fit for purpose? Is your uniform comfortable? Does wearing the uniform affect your mental or physical well-being?
Researchers from Lancaster University, in collaboration with police stakeholders, have launched the first-ever National Police Uniform and Equipment Survey aimed at both staff and officers. Dr Camilla De Camargo's research focuses on the police uniform and has led her and a team of researchers at Lancaster University to design the survey in collaboration with PFEW and the National Uniform Portfolio as part of the NPCC, with support from the Home Office, UNISON, Superintendents Association, and Blue Light Commercial.
The survey aims to reach around 200,000 police officers and police staff. This is your opportunity to have your voice heard and provide decision-makers at the highest level with the evidence they need to make meaningful change and directly impact uniform policies.
Complete the survey here: https://lancasteruni.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eUHhaRXafgKcDeC
The survey opened on 1 July 2024 and is live for six weeks. After the closing date, there will be 3-4 months of analysis before the findings are shared in spring 2025. This article is taken from a piece that appeared in the first edition of Uniformity, the new quarterly newsletter from the NPCC focussed on police uniform, safety wear and associated issues. Read the magazine here.