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  • Mon – Fri: 8:00am–16:00pm.

The Chair of the Civil Nuclear Police Federation has spoken of his pride for officers as COVID-19 refuses to release its grip on the nation.

Ian Muir says it's been a tough time for members as he reminded them that the Federation is there to support them through the crisis; whether that be mental health support or financial and wellbeing advice. "Things have changed; they are more worried about their families than themselves, worried about spreading the virus to them and other people," he said.

"Some are having to self-isolate because of certain health conditions too, so are having to stay at home for a prolonged period; that can affect their mental health. Our gyms are shut, that's having an impact because exercise is a good way of looking after your mental health. We are fortunate within the CNC to have an excellent cadre of fitness advisors and local fitness champions. There is some great advice out there on our intranet and please engage with your local champions if you have concerns."

The Federation and its Reps are there to help with any problem officers are having, Ian said. "We're in a position just now where we pretty much know everyone who's isolating, and we know people who have tested positive, and working with the CNC, schedules are in place so that we keep in touch with them while they are home.

"Finances can be an issue just now and there are various Government and banking initiatives if they're having trouble with credit card bills or their finances. We have the employee assistance programme which the CNC run themselves and this can provide financial advice to officers and staff. The Citizens Advice website is also an excellent resource who can arrange face to face assistance."

"Then there's the CNC welfare fund - that can give them a £500 loan very quickly, and they can apply for more money if they need to as well. The Federation Reps can assist in this if required. If their partners are out of work and they still have the financial commitments they had before; hopefully any financial worries will only be a short-term issue. There's always light at the end of the tunnel."

Officers should contact their Fed Rep or speak to Ian or Gary Thwaite - Federation Chief Executive if they need any help during what Ian says are 'very difficult times. "They can talk to us in the strictest confidence," he said, "because we know it can be an uncomfortable thing to talk about.

"I'm so proud of everyone, including our Reps who are doing such an excellent job now. I've worked in the Federation for quite a few years, and I can say it's an honour to represent officers. They are incredible people doing an incredible job in very difficult times."